
Davidson no pushover

Memo to any Badger fan who is looking to see who we'll be up against after disposing of Davidson (Kansas or Villanova): don't look past the Wildcats. For the second time in a week, the Badgers will be facing a team named the Wildcats. Only this time, it's the harmless, cooperative version from just north of Charlotte, NC, Davidson College, right? Not quite.
This Davidson team, who is officially the Cinderella of this season's big dance after knocking off powerhouses Gonzaga and Georgetown, doesn't count as an easy win any way you shake it up. Be it their nation-best 24 game winning streak, their white hot guard Stephen Curry or the fact that they played one of the toughest non-conference schedules of any team in the country, these guys really are good.
I know, so was Cal State Fullerton. I also recall that Beasley would run roughshod all over the Badgers too. But the 3rd seeded Badgers disposed of both of them with equal ease. Davidson actually reminds me of a smaller version of the Badgers, in that they are very well coached, very scrappy on defense and enter this game on wild tear.
The point is, as a 5-point favorite, the Badgers might be facing the toughest team they've seen all year. If anyone thinks Davidson will be in awe of the Badgers, think again. They played against North Carolina, Duke and UCLA already this year, and were winning in all three games at one point or another. The Badgers lost to Duke by a ton, and Davidson almost beat them. Davidson was leading UCLA by 18 at one point in their game before succumbing. So it's actually going to take a Herculean effort by Wisconsin to move on to the Elite Eight. Not that the Badgers aren't capable of it, just the opposite. But before anyone in Wisconsin starts scouting out Kansas' big men, let's remember that Davidson is here because they belong...

P. Higgins

Brewers Release Claudio Vargas

The Milwaukee Brewers today released starting pitcher Claudio Vargas, despite a strong spring training camp which saw him produce an ERA under 4.00. This indeed came as a surprise to many, myself included, but manager Ned Yost had a fairly simple explanation: "In our evaluations, (Vargas) was the seventh guy on our staff." Yost went on to say "We feel, in all fairness to him, we didn't see him pitching in Triple-A. We feel like he's a big-league pitcher."
This is real nice and caring of the Brewers, but I believe, a bit misleading. Who cares if he wants to pitch in Triple A or not, if he's a decent pitcher and can provide depth, why not keep him in triple A? I think that they just didn't see him as that great a pitcher, and were willing to just let him go. I mean, if he were really any good, we'd be able to get something, anything, for him via trade. The fact that no one offered anything was enough proof for me that he was just average. Several years ago, a guy with Vargas' talent level would have been our # 2 pitcher in the rotation, which speaks volumes about where we are as a team. And in the 90's? He'd have been our staff ace!
Maybe it's just the warmth in the air today, or the sight of snow melting, but it sure is encouraging to see that we no longer hang on to "decent" players. The Brewers' are making a statement to the entire organization that we want the best players, and don't take it personally, but if that's not you, we're gonna move on without you.
I do wish Vargas all the best, he is a class act and I hope he finds a team soon. At the very least, by mid-season injuries will prompt a team to call him, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him starting at the back-end of someone's rotation come August.
For the full report, click the link below:


P. Higgins


NEWS: NFL DRAFT - RB Stewart undergoes surgery on toe

Jonathan Stewart, the bulldozing running back from Oregon, has undergone "turf toe" surgery and will be out 4-6 months. Considered a sure-fire first round pick, he may see his stock drop fast after this development.

Still, I wouldn't be surprised to see TT look heavily at him, if he were to fall to pick 30 or further.


P. Higgins


Is Ted Thompson any good?

In the beginning Ted Thompson (TT from now on) was thought to be a great mind, a very good drafter, and a person with Packer blood flowing somewhere in his veins.
He didn't make a big splash in free agency in 2005, prior to his first draft. A couple of guards that didn’t do much. Both gone now. He did draft a QB named Aaron Rodgers though, who is now the most mentioned name in Wisconsin. Collins and Poppinga were also grabbed in his first draft. Fans became irate, and grew madder still as the team finished 4-12 that year. Many fans and media were calling for mutiny.
Tosa Jimmy and I were both stewing, but remained calm, knowing that it wasn’t an overnight fix. Then in the 2006 off-season, as patience was wearing thin, TT grabbed Ryan Pickett and Charles Woodson as free agents, for huge dollars. Both had question marks, but the fan mutiny effort did quiet a little. TT grabbed AJ Hawk in the first round in 2006, and Greg Jennings, Jason Spitz and Daryn Colledge in the next few picks. All are quality contributors. The team finished the year 8-8, with a four game winning streak. Things were looking up, we just needed a few more pieces, and we’d compete for a division title!
With a ton of cash to spend, our young guys a year older and wiser, TT splashed into the 2007 free agent pool with the force of a child in diapers and water wings. All the banter was about Randy Moss, and how Favre wanted Moss real bad. Moss wanted to play with Favre. Oakland wanted him gone… it seemed so logical.
But TT never really wanted that to happen. Oh, he had to seem interested, but he presented his offer to Moss hoping for a rejection. With all the young talent here, he figured, why set it aside so we can have this guy for one year, then try to rebuild when he leaves? TT has always thought in the future. He’s not a Jiffy Lube, he’s more like your local mechanic. Thinks long term.
He drafted Justin Harrell, Brandon Jackson and James Jones early, along with starters Corey Hall and Mason Crosby in the later rounds of the 2007 draft. Seemingly, another solid group.
Now that we’ve witnessed a great Packer season and the retiring of the greatest of all Packers, all eyes have turned to what TT will do with a very young, talented and deep team. Will he trade up? Will he make a big trade? Or will he sit on his $35 million (once Favre turns in his retirement papers) and focus on re-upping current players, knowing that the fans will again turn on him if we fall short in the playoffs?
Either way, the answer is yes, Ted Thompson is very good.

P. Higgins

In Ned Yost's Words...

During tonight's broadcast of the Brewer's vs Padre's game, Brewers' skipper Ned Yost was interviewed in the dugout. He was asked why the Brewers would be better prepared this year to win the division than last year. Ned gave two reasons:

1. Last year the Brewers were in the bottom 3 of all NL teams in defensive stats. He felt like a number of games would have gone in the Brewers favor had they played better defense. He pointed out that by aquiring Cameron and Kendall, and moving Braun to left and Hall to third, the Brewers have improved their defense by leaps and bounds. He went so far as to say that when pitching coach Mike Maddox heard that the team had signed Mike Cameron, he said immediately that his pitching staff was better. Just the presence of a gold glove CF would help the pitchers get out of more jams and thus throw fewer pitches.

2. The team wasn't quite prepared mentally to be division champions, and that they had a very difficult time learning how to play with expectations after racing out to a 8 1/2 game lead in the division by June. He noted that the core young leaders of the team had never been through that at the major league level, and that now they know what to expect, they know what it's like to play in front of a packed house every night. What it's like to be featured on Sports Center.

I personally think those are two great, great points, and if we keep our health, there's no reason why we can't win the divison.

P. Higgins


Brewers Batting Order

While the pitching rotation is still far from decided, the Brewer's batting order is still up in the air.
We know that Weeks will bat first barring anything unforeseen. Hardy will be given every opportunity to bat 2nd, and I know the Brewers would love to have him there. But if he struggles like he did at times in the 2nd half of '07, Mike Cameron (after his suspension), Tony Gwynn Jr (during Cameron's suspension), Corey Hart or Bill Hall would be candidates to fill the 2nd spot. This is where it gets intriguing. I would like to see Braun bat 3rd, Fielder 4th, and Corey Hart 5th. However, Yost could end up going with Fielder 3rd, Braun 4th and Bill Hall 5th. I personally would see Cameron in the 6th spot, followed by Hall 7th, Jason Kendall 8th and the pitcher 9th. In cases where our pitcher can put the wood on the ball (Gallardo comes to mind), I would consider hitting the pitcher 8th, and Kendall 9th. Here's my batting order, if I'm Ned Yost:


P. Higgins


Welcome to Sports without the drama.

Thanks for stopping, you'll find this to be one of the most intelligent, insightful and entertaining Wisconsin sports blogs on the net. This is no place for sloppy rumors, girlfriend talk, ignorant generalizations or other distracting topics. You'll find content here that examines all aspects of Wisconsin sports. I'll be posting many topics, and welcome all opinions on the subject matter.
So, who'd like to post first?

Aaron Rodgers? Brewers CF? Badgers Touney Chances? Packers Draft?

P. Higgins